Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Craft Fair Items: Post It Note Holders

I signed up for another craft fair this September... so now I will be doing 2 in the month of September. I'm really hoping my items sell and people are excited about them. I'd love to do another craft fair more towards Christmas because I have so many fun holiday themed things I'd love to make! Today I will be showing you another item I hear does well at craft fairs: post it note holders. These are actually acrylic photo frames just flipped upside down! Whoever thought of this is a genius. I have made so many papers to insert into the frame, now I just need to stock up on the frames themselves. I get mine at the Christmas Tree Shop and they are $0.69 for the big ones I used and $0.50 for the small ones. Let me know what you think!

I'm going to package these up nicely so they are more appealing. I might even add a coordinating pen to go with it. 

Thanks for looking! Leave me a comment :) 

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